What Thea’s community is saying

“Thea is a fantastic Pilates instructor. In my marathon buildup last September we worked on the reformer and strengthened my hips, glutes, and core. Also, since I had been dealing with an ITB issue, Thea suggested that I swim more breast stroke kick which made all the difference.  I ran a PB of 3:01:07 and smashed my 50+ Boston Qualifying (BQ) time.

— Steve D.


”I have been an active person my entire life. Currently, I road bike 50-75 miles a week, do strength training or Pilates with Thea 3–4 days per week, and take a brisk 4-mile walk on days I don’t ride. But there have been times when my mobility has been zero. 

Thea Morgan has been my go-to physical rehabilitation specialist for over twelve years. She has been instrumental in keeping me moving and active.

Thea is a master at body mechanics, a delightful human being, and a consummate professional at what she does. If you follow her meticulous instructions for body positioning, movement, and breathe, you too will gain incredible benefit from her Pilates knowledge and expertise and you will have fun doing so.”

— Sandra F.

I have been attending Thea’s Pilates mat class regularly at the Bay Club for over 5 years now.  I love her energy and positivity, as well as the results I get from following her exercises.  She keeps the material familiar enough with just the right amount of fresh exercises to keep us guessing.  She is also very knowledgeable about the body’s muscles and shares that knowledge so that we know what parts of the body we’re working during each exercise.  She is the best!

— Teri R.


“I am a retired business professional who, for too many years, abused my body as a result of extensive travel and insane work/life style.  To make matters more challenging, I have had to deal with two significant back injuries.  Over the past five years, Thea has demonstrated an extensive physiology knowledge in nonscientific terms, patience and sensitivity all while using a casual, engaging approach.”

—John C.

“Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”


Learn it. See it. Feel it.

Pilates can get you there.